Thousands Implemented Self-Investment Tips that Really Work

It is absolutely true that time is the one commodity that most internet entrepreneurs have a very, very short supply of. Still there are ways to use time that would otherwise be of no value to invest in yourself. Here are a few tips that might help: 

Use travel time to invest in yourself. By using your iPod or your MP3 player you can use your travel time to expand your knowledge. 

Set your clock for a half hour earlier and use that time to read and learn. 

After you stop working in the evening, use your computer to search for new information and ideas. 

Of course there are some things that are just going to take your time but you can choose wisely.

Attend webinars and teleseminars that are directly related to your niche or your business. 

Attend real world seminars that are closer to your home and will require less travel time but will provide you with the information that you need. 

Resist the Urge of Staying in the Comfort Zone 

We all have a comfort zone and all of us are very fond of our personal comfort zone. It is very, very tempting to just stick with doing the things that we have always done and doing them in the same way we have always done them. 

However, staying in your comfort zone and refusing to expand your mind and your horizons can cause you and your internet business to fail. 

There is an old saying (probably made up by someone who was afraid of trying new things) that says, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” Well, ‘it’ doesn’t have to be broken in order to be improved upon whatever ‘it’ is. 

Candle light wasn’t broken but we are all glad that electricity was harnessed. Electric light is still light but it is certainly a big improvement over candle light. 

New ideas come along every day in the world of internet business. Some of those ideas are even good ones even if they do reside outside of our own personal comfort zone. 

In order to continue to invest in yourself, you must be willing to leave your own comfort zone. Just because what has worked is still working it doesn’t mean that there are not newer, better and more efficient ways of doing things. 

Nobody is saying that new is always better. New is not always better but sometimes it is and the only way to tell which is which is by investigating new ideas yourself and then adapting the ones that can help you to your business. 

Invest in yourself by increasing your knowledge and don’t be afraid of trying new things and new ways of doing things. These things really are the secrets of success and not just in the world of internet business but in life itself.


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