Facebook is a social networking website where over 1.25 billion users are active till 2015 and connected with each other. Creating a Fan Page provides your business and brands with another branding outpost on the web where prospects, customers, future employees, vendors, and even the media can find information about your company and the products and services you offer. So If you can reach to them your selling will be increase. So this is essential for an online marketing. 


1. Create a fan page with your company or brand name 

2. Add your company logo and an attractive cover photo in your fan page. 

3. Enriched facebook About page with company information and contact details. 

4. Post your product/service with photo and description. 

5. Add your brand’s service or product video on timeline. 

6. Talk to others and connect your online presence 

7. Share with others. 

8. Start following people and other company 

9. Increase your page like 

10. Expand your audience with hashtags 


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