The idea to write this blog, I must admit, is not my creation but it was too forceful to wish away. You will understand the reason once you read the whole of the introduction posts of this blog.

It all started with a harmless remark made by my wife, Nazmun Naher, during one of our many discussions. Why do most employees and graduates leave school with a predominant education and psyche of a job seeker? She asked me. Honestly, that day I rationalized and tried as best as I could, to defend‘my generation’ but at the end still could not provide a convincing answer to my worried dad. Instead, I ended up with another hard question ringing in my head!

Does it mean those years of formal education in school and numerous visits to the library still could produce graduates and students without a compelling urge to create business ideas? This question, I am sure will attract varied responses from you as a student, employed/unemployed graduate or school administrator. However, let me remind you that the primary advantage you supposedly have over an illiterate person is that, you have many options in life. At every stage in life, an individual with a proper education utilizes it to create options even when circumstances appear to present only a single option. Sound education will never leave you with a single option in life.

However, the decision to create multiple options rests squarely with you as an individual and failure to create options can defeat the whole essence of having a proper education whether received in schools or skill training centres. Therefore, if you are predominantly ‘educated’ to seek employee positions in business corporations, you cannot be said to be properly educated in the art of creating options and, just like the individual with the proper education who fails to create multiple options, you do not have a clear advantage over an illiterate person. Sadly, this inability to create options is largely responsible for the poor quality of decisions we all make in our lives, such decisions eventually affect our choice of partners in marriage, personal finances, health, career etc. For example, if the only rewarding way to make money is an illegal option, your education, if it is proper, should not limit you to that single option that will land you in jail!

This blog and book seeks to advance how the art of creating options can be applied in developing business ideas and finding solutions to your money problems. The numerous business ideas and how to execute them are actually the seeds of the art of creating options in business and each business idea is a single option from which further options (business ideas) can be derived or created.


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