Topics covered in this snack-sized chapter:


What is Web Programming?

Why Learn Web Programming?

A Simple HTML “Hello World” Page

Web Programming Languages

How Does a Website Programming Work?


Web development is a broad term for the work involved in developing a website for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an Intranet (a private network).

It includes:

Web design

Web content development

Web server

Network security configuration

E-commerce development

Client-side/server-side scripting.

As shown below, a typical web request can consist of a server (computer) processing and sending content to a client (browser or a PC).

When you type in your web browser, a server is receiving requests and sending content to a client (your browser).

Web development can range from developing the simplest static single page of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses and social network services.

What is Web Programming?

Programming is the art of telling computer “What to do”

Programming allows you to make new software and enables the computer to do new things.

Website Programming is the practice of writing pages and applications that run on a web server and can be used by many different people.

Some examples of popular web applications include:



Google Maps


You are able to upload and view pictures, send emails, and look up directions using these web applications, all of which are made possible through web site programming.

Why Learn Web Programming?

Web site programming allows you to turn a simple, static HTML page into a dynamic page.

It allows others to interact with your web site and use the application on any computer with Internet access.

Web site programming is often easier than programming applications that will run directly on the computer.

If you want to make or edit anything dynamic on your website, such as a forum, a guestbook, or even a form submission, you will need to know how to do web site programming.

A Simple HTML “Hello World”

HTML Code:












    <h1>My Hello World Program</h1>


    <p>Hello World!!!</p>





On browsers this will render as:

My Hello World Program

Hello World!!!

Web Programming Languages

All web programming is done with web programming languages. These languages can include static technologies like:




However, most web site programming is done using server-side web programming languages.

This code runs on the server and then gives static information back to the web browser.

The most popular web programming languages are:





How Does a Website Programming Work?

When you access your page with a browser, your web server will parse, or read through, your HTML page line by line and when it comes across a programming language, it will execute the code.

Embed code within normal HTML pages:








function MyDate()




document.getElementById ('test').innerHTML=Date();






<Title>My Web Page</Title>




<body onload='MyDate()'>


<h1 id='test'></h1>





In this case, it writes out the Current date on the page and then sends the page back to your web browser.

To get started with web programming, you need an appreciation of:





Managing Database


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